Signs Your Chakras are Blocked

Signs Your Chakras are Blocked

The energy center in your body is called the chakras. There are seven different chakras and each of them have a different function. These chakras are there to keep you safe in your mind, body, and soul and to keep you strong.

Light will go to all of the chakras, when they are balanced, and will go from your feet all the way to your head. There are colors that are associated with each of the chakras and the chakras are known to have their own color. The location of the chakras will help you to know where your energy is and if it is balanced or blocked.

Root Chakra

The Muladhara or the Root Chakra is located at the bottom of the spine. This chakra can help you to feel happy, trusting, comfortable and can help your needs to be met. The Root chakra goes from your body and into the ground and it forms a root to keep you safe.

If you have an unbalanced Root chakra then you will feel that you are unhappy, sick or that you are not able to trust people and you are fearful.

Sacral Chakra

The Svadhisthana or the Sacral Charka is found in the bottom of the stomach and is where your sexual energy and your creativity lays. This is associated with the color orange and helps you to be strong and healthy.

If your Sacral chakra is blocked, you will be uncreative, and you will not want to have sex. You might feel that you have no passion for anything at the time.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus chakra is at the top of your stomach and helps you to be balanced and to have self-esteem. This chakra also gives you confidence and help you to be motivated to do things.

When the Solar Plexus is blocked, it can make you feel sick, unhappy with who you are and afraid.

Heart Chakra

The Heart chakra is located in the center of the chest where the heart is. This is associated with the color green and is the place where you have love and compassion. This chakra can help you to understand and forgive others.

When this chakra is blocked, it can make you unforgiving and make you lack compassion for others or even hate people.

Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is located in the throat and helps you to communicate and to be truthful. This is also called the Vishuddha and is associated with the color blue.

When this chakra is blocked, it can make it hard for you to talk to others or to speak truth.

Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye chakra is also called the Anja and is associated with the color purple. This is where your intuition and your imagination sit. This is where you will see visions and connect with the spiritual world.

When the Third Eye is blocked, you will feel that you are unable to reach the spirit world and that you are not able to hear your guides.

Crown Chakra

The Crown chakra is located at the top of your head. This is where your center of your spiritual world is. This is where you can get wisdom and where you can enter the spirit world.

This is where enlightenment sits and is represented with the color purples. This chakra can bring you peace and wisdom.

When the chakra is blocked, it can make you feel sad, depressed, and unloved.

Unblocking Your Chakras

There are many ways that you can unblock your chakras. One way is through meditation. Meditation can help you to heal your mind, body and soul and it can help you to know where your blockages are.

Learn to notice the way that your life is living and if you are sad or if you are hurting, chances are your chakra is blocked. There can be blockages in any of your chakras and you can pay attention to what you are feeling so that you know what chakras are blocked.

Another way to unblock your chakra is with a salt bath. Do this when you are feeling depressed, angry, sick, or other things. This can help you with your chakras and with your spiritual life.

When you need to clear out blockages out of your chakras, you need to pay attention to what you are doing. You can wear the color of the chakra or eat foods that are the color of the chakra that is blocked.

Learn to speak positively in your life and chant so that you can focus on your healing.

When you work hard and you try to ground yourself, you will be able to do this and you will remain balanced and safe in your psychic journey.


  1. The article touches on the emotional and physical symptoms of blocked chakras. It would be interesting to see if there’s any scientific research linking these symptoms to the concept of energy centers in the body.

    • There might be a need for more interdisciplinary studies combining psychology, physiology, and traditional practices to explore these connections.

  2. Overall, the article offers a solid introduction to chakras. It would be beneficial to include some historical context on how these concepts developed over time and their cultural significance.

  3. While the article is well-written, I’m curious about the scientific evidence supporting the existence of chakras. Are these concepts widely accepted in scientific communities?

  4. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the chakras and their functions. It’s clear and well-structured, offering useful information for those interested in the topic.

    • I agree. The explanations are straightforward and easy to understand, even for someone new to the concept of chakras.

  5. The mention of color associations for each chakra is interesting. It would be beneficial to understand more about why specific colors are linked to these energy centers.

    • Indeed, the concept of color association could be rooted in ancient traditions or psychological effects. Further exploration would be fascinating.

  6. The practical suggestions for unblocking chakras, like meditation and salt baths, are useful. However, it would be helpful to have more detailed guidance or examples on how to effectively practice these methods.


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