Reiki Sessions: Explained


A Reiki session is intended to be a healing process, bringing about a sense of comfort during times of ill health. Reiki sessions can vary greatly each time as they have no set structure, time or setting. Anyone who has had the necessary training can carry out a Reiki session, even you.

Whilst there are no set-in-stone expectations from a Reiki session, the following points will detail what you generally tend to encounter when receiving a session from an individual who has at least basic Reiki training.

Does a Reiki session include an intake process?

Most Reiki practitioners tend to avoid the type of intake you commonly find in healthcare, but some may conduct an interview prior to your session to determine your physical well being and may ask you to sign a consent form.

Let your practitioner know if you have any specific needs they should be aware of such as whether you have any health issues that may cause problems when lying flat on your back or front, or whether you have any particularly sensitive areas that they should avoid.

Who should carry out a Reiki session?

Do your research to find a practitioner you think will be best suited for your needs in order to have the best experience possible. This could be a professional, or if you feel more comfortable, a friend. Whilst a friend may not have as much training, the bond you share can work to elevate a Reiki session.

Whoever you decide on, go with someone who will inform you of their processes and how they intend to structure the session, so you can go into it feeling comfortable with what they plan to do, and with have an awareness of what to expect.

Where should a Reiki session be held?

A quiet place of serenity is ideal, preferably somewhere where you can proceed undisturbed. Reiki sessions can take place in complete silence, or with background sounds of gentle music based on your own personal preference.

Trained Reiki practitioners typically have a dedicated space to use for Reiki sessions, but they are also experienced in creating the best possible environment outside of their practice if you feel more comfortable setting up a home visit.

How long should a Reiki session last?

The sessions can be as long as you feel necessary, but usually tend to last around 90 minutes. For those experiencing a Reiki session in a medical centre, sessions tend to be shorter, at around 15-20 minutes.

What should you do to prepare for a Reiki session?

There’s not very much you need to do to prepare for a Reiki session. However, there are a couple of things that may make you feel more comfortable, such as requesting the use of your own chosen music or requesting complete silence if you prefer. If you’re concerned about being touched, ask to see the hand placements before you begin to confirm you’re comfortable with them.

Bring any additional materials you think may allow you to be more comfortable throughout the session, such as a blanket ,and use the restroom before you begin to avoid any disturbances throughout the session.

What does a Reiki session involve?

In order to begin the Reiki session, you will need to lay on a treatment table, or sit comfortably in a chair.

Reiki typically consists of the practitioner lightly touching areas of your head and the front and back of your torso. If you have an injury in a place outside of this, additional placements can be done as needed. The touch should be non-invasion and there should be no pressure applied.

What will you experience in a Reiki session?

The most typical reaction is to feel profound comfort, falling into a state of consciousness somewhere between feeling fully awake and aware of your surroundings, and a meditative state in which you are deeply indrawn. Don’t try and force yourself into a relaxed state, allow this to be a natural shift throughout the session.

It is commonly reported that energy is felt radiating from the practitioner’s hands, creating waves that pulse around the entire body. For some people, the temperature of the Reiki practitioner’s hands will offer comfort and warmth, and for others they will feel refreshingly cool.

Some people experience many sensations throughout the course of the session, and for others, the session may feel rather uneventful. Either way, it’s likely you will feel more relaxed and stress free after the session and will notice further changes as the day progresses, such as a sense of feeling more centered. These experiences will become more profound each time you have a Reiki session.

What will happen after the Reiki session?

Sessions require aftercare centered around looking after body, such as drinking plenty of water. Make sure all activities outside of your Reiki session continue to have a focus on your wellbeing and avoid anything that may have a particularly negative effect on you.

As previously mentioned, it’s likely you’ll feel more relaxed following a Reiki session and experience a sense of calm and clarity. Feeling sleepy and experiencing a deeper sleep than usual is a common occurrence after a session, as this is a way in which your body is working to heal you.

How many Reiki sessions should you have?

Your practitioner will suggest an amount of sessions based on your own individual needs. The typical suggestion is usually around 4.

Your practitioner should be willing to work around your schedule and space the sessions out to give you time to reflect on the benefits you’re experiencing between each session, unless you’re experiencing a pressing health challenge, in which case sessions should be held across consecutive days.