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What Is a Karmic Lesson?

Karmic Lesson

People have both strengths and weaknesses and in numerology, you can know these things based on your birthdate. The progress and changes that you make will develop your life. Karmic lessons will show you what you need to learn along the way.

Each letter has a number assigned to it and so your name can give you a number. There are 9 different lessons that someone can learn, 1-9 that have to do with their name. If a number is repeated in your name, then it can mean that you have a passion that is hidden in your life.

Most people know what they are good and bad at but there are other things in your life that are often hidden such as emotions. You might also have secrets or desires that you have not shared with others. These might be things that you aren’t honest about. This means that you don’t have the internal freedom that you could have.

The different skills and talents that you have are part of your numerology and your name. These are things that you need to show you what you are good at in life and what you lack. These can be skills you lack.

People that are lacking 3 numbers or more have a harder life and they are not good with their social standings. As you get the qualities that you are missing, you will see that you can find happiness.

Lacking Number 1

If you are lacking 1 it can mean that you are missing out on opportunities in your life. Don’t be afraid to change and to find our goals.

Lacking Number 2

When you lack this number then you need to learn to accept rewards and praise. Set goals that are stood and work towards them. Appreciate a others and be a team player. Learn to say how you feel.

Lacking Number 3

This can mean that you are hard on yourself and if you don’t reach your goals then you will be hard on yourself. It can mean you are always comparing yourself to others and you are never happy with what you have.

Lacking Number 4

These people never know what they want in their life. They don’t know what careers to take, or they don’t know what they should do to get what they want. They are always looking for answers and for things that make them comfortable.

Lacking Number 5

A person lacking number 5 means that they are afraid to find out new things. They won’t go after things, but they will just let things pass them by. They don’t care about their experiences shaping them, but they hate change so much that it holds them back.

Lacking Number 6

When you lack the number 6 it shows you that you are concerned with your relationships. You don’t care about what happens around you, but you are open to your emotions, and you love to be around people that you care about.

You will take chances and you aren’t afraid to do new things.

Lacking Number 7

When you lack the number 7 chances are that you will feel trapped. You will know new things, but you will never feel that you can move to those things. You will know that people think things of you and sometimes it will be worse than you expected but you don’t even care.

Lacking Number 8

This is a time when you deal with your finances, and you have to save money and earn more money, but you don’t have the skills to get the money you need. You don’t know if your finances will ever get better, and you are often concerned with your flaws. You hate getting advice and being told what to do.

Lacking Number 9

When you lack the number 9 it can mean that you have a hard time understanding others. You don’t know how others feel because you have been spoiled. You don’t know how to give people new chances and you will do better if you learn to concentrate on fixing your own mistakes.

Emotions and Your Psychic Readings?


Emotions are things that can impact your life and the situations that are around you. You have to be concerned when you go for a psychic reading no matter what it is about. If you are calling about your relationship or your career, you need to make sure that you are in the right emotional state to get the outcome of the reading that is real.

When you talk to a reader, chances are that they will try to find out what kind of emotional state that you are in before they even begin. When a reader asks you to take a deep breath and relax, you need to do that.

The way that you feel during a reading can influence the energy that the psychic will pick up from you. It can also cause the other tools of divination such as the tarot tools to change what they are focused on.

When you feel that one answer is going to be the right answer then the reader will feel this. This is why sometimes two different readers can get a totally different reading on the same person. Having strong emotions when you are getting a reading can result in a false reading.

If you are someone that is very angry and you call in for a reading, chances are that you will have a blocked energy and you will not be open to the answers that the psychic wants to give you. You will not be able to hear what the spirit world is trying to tell you and instead your emotions will block anything that you are meant to hear.

When you are angry or sad when you call for a reading, you need to realize that your emotions are out of control and get them in control so that you can tear down walls that will help you to get a real reading. It is best to call for a reading when you have your emotions in check so that the reading can be more accurate for you.

Open Mind

Psychics have their own way of doing their readings and sometimes two of the same kind of psychics will do completely different readings. The reader wants to be accurate, but you have to allow this to happen. If there is news that you don’t want to hear about, chances are that the reader will know this. It will be hard to see the big picture when your emotions are out of whack and the reader cannot get past that.

Having a Good Reading

Here are some ways to have a good reading:

  • Make sure that you are calling when you are no longer attached to your emotions. If you have something emotional happen to you, wait until you are calm before you call.
  • Make sure you are mindful of what you are feeling during the reading.
  • Do not hold you breath and learn to breath. Doing this will keep you focused and calm and will help the reader to be able to read your energies.
  • Ask questions that are very specific. This will help the psychic to give you true and accurate readings.
  • Do not have questions to ask that will prove if your psychic is real or not. If you are skeptical, keep an open mind.
  • Be respectful of your reader and give them all of your attention. Do not be interrupted by calls or by the television during your reading.
  • Do not get one reading right after the other but space them out. Give your energy time to calm down before you do a second reading.
  • Listen to what you are being told after you ask a question. A good reader will give you the best answers that they can and interrupting them can cause the reading to be off.
  • Always be open minded. Readers are human and they make mistakes, and their readings are based on the energies that they feel.

Trusting Your Reader

Always have an open mind and an open heart when you are getting a reading. If your emotions are high that day, wait and get a reading after you calm down. A reader will try their best to read your energy but if your energy is high on emotions, it can be hard.

Trust your gut feeling and your reader to give you the best reading that they can give you.

Make Your Chakra Energy Stronger with Reiki

Make Your Chakra Energy Stronger with Reiki

If you understand meditation and chakras, you know that it is important to have your chakras strong and energized. Did you know that you can bring power to your chakras by doing Reiki meditation? Reiki is from the universe, and it will give you peace in your life. Chakras are the parts of your body that are full of energy. These are wheels of energy that keep your mind, body and soul working correctly. When you take time and you do Reiki meditation upon these energy centers, you can heal them and bring energy, peace, and love to your life.


Reiki is a healing technique or a spiritual healing therapy that comes from Ancient Japanese times. This is something that can help you to have your energy flow correctly and it can give you the energy that you need to have life force energy. This is invisible energy that goes throughout your body.

The word Reiki are two Japanese words that are put together, the first is Rei which means how the universe transcends with the spirit and the second is Ki which means how your life force energy flows. This is kind of like looking at Prana or Chi and is a universal energy where the practitioner will put their hands on themselves or others in order to heal them.

Reiki Meditation

Reiki meditation is combining Reiki and meditating. By doing this, you can let your body have relief from pain and other things. This happens when someone puts their hands on certain parts of your body, or they visualize healing coming to you. Reiki is considered a new age or an alternative medicine.

According to ancient philosophers such as Plato, he believed that in order for the body to be healed that the soul had to be healed first. He believed that holistic medicine would work to make people feel better overall and this is what Reiki is.

Getting Energy to Your Chakras with Reiki Meditation

Life is so busy and stressful at times, and it is often that we come across negativity in people and places that we go. The chakras take this energy, and it can cause blockages in your body, mind, and spirit. When the energy is not moving how it is meant to, it can cause there to be sicknesses or mental illnesses in your body.

Reiki meditation helps to get rid of blocked energy and it helps to keep the energy moving correctly. When the energies flow through your body like a wheel, you will be able to get rid of negativity and blockages in your life and more importantly in your chakras.

Each chakra is important and if one is not working then it messes up the whole chakra energy system.

To make your chakras work best, doing Reiki meditation can help. You need to find a place to sit where you will not be distracted. Sit with your back in an up position and let the power of the Reiki energy flow from the top of your head and down.

If you are beginner at this, you can find a Reiki practitioner to help you either in person or online through videos. Reiki will not give you the energy healing through your body unless the Reiki Grand Master lets you prepare for a certain part of Reiki.

At this time, start deep breathing and chanting the word, “om,” while your body relaxes. Once you get to a place of relaxation, meditate from your root chakra all the way to your crown chakra. You can even put your hands on the different chakras as you meditate so that you can improve your healing. Whatever level of Reiki you are on, visualize the life force energy that Reiki gives you as you move through your chakras, touching them.

If you are a level 2 or higher, imagine that your Reiki symbols are inside of you and want to come out. Chant with the different chakras as you meditate to go deeper.

You can also visualize the different colors that the chakras have such as the root being red and then move on down. Imagine that the root is red and that this red energy if flowing through your root chakra. Then, move on to the heart, throat, third eye, sacral, Manipura and then to the crown and imagine the different colors as you move.

If you choose to, you can write down a goal before you start and you can have a clear mind on what you want to manifest through your body. Reiki meditation can help you to figure out what your goals are and work towards reaching them. Put your goals down on paper and then put them in a box and let the life force energy channel to that box. This can help you to be more positive and let the universe help you to manifest things faster. Sometimes you can even find online a “Reiki Wish Box,” and make a purchase to have one or make your own.

Crystals and Reiki Meditation

There are different crystals that can help you to increase your energy when you are ding Reiki or other kinds of meditation. Since the chakras are based on colors, finding the crystals that work with each individual chakra can help. But the Clear Quartz is one crystal that is a Master crystal, and it can work with all of the chakras if you don’t have a big selection. You can hold this in your hand while you are meditating and place it on the different chakras as you visualize the color going in and out.

Selenite is another crystal that is full of pure white light, and it can purify your life and help you to meditate faster and stronger.

Music and Mantras

You can use both soft music and mantras while you do Reiki meditation. This can help you to get into a deeper meditative state. You can listen to Tibetan singing bowls, waterfalls, rain or whatever gives you peace when you are meditating. You can also chant with mantras on top of the music that you choose.

Reiki meditation is a way that you can find the answers to your body and the problems that you are facing inside. When you are meditating, talk to the universe, get into a deep state, and ask your guides to help you and to show you the right things to do in your life. Let them support you and give you messages that can help you to live a better life and help you to surrender to the power of the universe.

Reiki Guide with Healing Health

Reiki Guide with Healing Health

Your body is an amazing thing from breathing, digestion, circulation and more, your body knows what it is doing to work and to make you live. Your body is something that works even when you don’t think about it such as walking or raising your hands. There are times when your body will need to have help thought and when you have negative thinking or things that happen to your life, it can cause you to have anxiety and stress.

When stress comes to your life, there is a way to help to balance your life and this is through Reiki. Reiki is a form of energy healing that originated in Japan and is called the “Universal Life force,” because of its healing help.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a way that you can heal your mind and body and you can get help when you have dealt with trauma in your life. This is something that can give you clear thinking and can help you to use the universe to help you to grow and to be whole.

Reiki is the energy that flows through your body, and it is found in everything that lives from animals to plants and people. This energy is a nonphysical thing, and it is there to connect you to your life and the things around you. The Reiki is a “Spiritual Guided Life Force” of energy that is there to help you.

Someone that teaches reiki will help you to have energy and help you to balance this energy. They will often put their hands on you and touch the parts of your body that aren’t working correctly. This will take your energy that is negative and replace it with positive energy. This will help you to have spiritual guidance and will help you to be more aware of what your body needs.

When your body is used to negative thinking and feelings, chances are that the negative energy will build up and will surround your body. This can cause you to have anxiety and to feel sad or angry. This can cause your body to have pain and can cause you to have stress.

One of the things about Reiki is that it uses the Law of Attraction. This means whatever you put out into the universe will come back to you.

Therefore, when someone uses energy healing, they are putting good energy and positivity into the world, and this is what is coming back to them. They are able to take this healing energy and to use their psychic giftings to make people feel better and to be balanced and strong.

How Does Reiki Help Your Health?

When you do Reiki, it will help your body to be stronger. You will have more energy and you will be able to get rid of things such as:

  • Sicknesses
  • Illnesses
  • Toxins in the body
  • Negative thought patterns
  • Bad habits
  • Pain

You will be able to focus more on what is going on around you and you will be able to know what your life purpose is. This will help you to get rid of mental clutter and help your life to be more connected.

Reiki is something that is easy, and it can help your health to be overall strong.

Balance and Peace

Reiki can help you to be well in your mind and your body because it will balance and bring peace to your chakras.

Pain and Tension

In our world today, we live a life that is always moving. Reiki helps people to be able to be calm and to stay relaxed. This helps to get rid of pain in the body such as:

  • Emotions that are hard
  • Back pain
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Migraine

This can help you to get rid of pain that is in the body and give you more peace.


Reiki can help you to relax more and to sleep better at night. If you have sleep problems because of stress, Reiki is a great way to get over this.


Reiki can help someone that is depressed and sad. It can balance their spirit and help them to feel better in their emotions. This practice can get rid of sadness and guilt and help you to not face depression.

Clear Minded

Doing Reiki treatments can help you to have a clear mind and an open mind. It can help you to be aware of your own emotions and can give you peace in your life.

Understanding Reiki

You might need to get rid of things in your life that you have been holding on to because this can cause you to have emotional pain. Once you learn to let go of things, you will see that you can feel better and that your mind will be clear.

Every time that you do Reiki, you will see that you are able to balance your chakras, learn to relax, get rid of depression and sadness, get rid of sicknesses and disease and be stronger in your mind, body, and soul. A Reiki session lasts about 45 minutes and can be very helpful to your mind and boy.

As you learn more about Reiki, find out how it can help to increase your giftings, heal your body and improve your mind. Be empowered by using Reiki to better your life.

Working with Spirit Animal Energies

Spirit Animal Energies

Utilizing spirit animal energy has the potential to awaken powerful qualities that have been dormant in your life as you deeply connect with the natural world to create healing. Spirit animal energy is sometimes also referred to as spirit animal medicine and refers to connecting with a spiritual essence of a specific animal. Individual animals may appear in life to bring us messages or energy of their kind, but it is more about connecting the spiritual and energetic frequency of the animal. When people speak of totem animals or power animals it is referring to the same form of energy. These animals often serve as guides and correspond to our nature and qualities.

There are many times when we have a couple spirit animals that correspond to different levels of the self. Some believe a spirit animal remains with us for life, while others think they change over time as we change as well. Power animals are highly personal and are worked with in the ways in which it feels right. Connecting with the energy of spirit animals can be healing and attune us to a frequency that brings balance to our system. We can tap into what we are lacking and grow.

Choosing a Spirit Animal

There is no right or wrong way to choose a spirit animal, but a few ways are shared below.

  • Reference animal energy books
  • Use an animal oracle deck
  • Work with a professional to help you determine your spirit animal
  • Watch for the animals that repeatedly appear in your life
  • Ask your spirit animal to reveal itself through the universe

Working with Spirit Animal Energy

After your spirit animal energy has been decided, call on the energy that you want to work with through some of the following exercises.

  • Center Yourself – Relax your entire body through deep breaths that inhale good energies and exhale the negativity and thoughts
  • Call on the Energy – Ask your spirit animal energy to come into your energy as you relax
  • Ask for Help – Ask for help with the issue you are facing
  • Stay with the Energy – Sit silently and listen for the guidance that the animal spirit has to offer to you whether it is for an immediate or long-term issue
  • Try Meditation – This can be done in the way you are comfortable meditating by looking at a photo of the animal, asking the animal to reveal itself, making notes about what you learn and sitting with the energy, then repeating as needed

Working on the Fly

Pay close attention to the animals that have presented themselves to you. They can bring messages and reminders through your day. While not all animal encounters are spiritual in nature, those that are uncommon typically are in some form. That said, the animals we choose to keep company with daily, like pets, also have meaning. Pet choice says a great deal about a person and what they prioritize and value. These animals can also have messages for us, but when it comes to repeated encounters, wild animals are the most significant. Single encounters have some significance, but repetition is the most meaningful. These are not just animals in nature, but those in ads, on Facebook, or other places as well.

Spirit animals will find a way to share their messages in some way, even if it is not an animal common to an area. When you receive a message, interpret it in the following ways.

  • When you feel a particular animal energy, it is time to receive your message
  • Read about the animal energy
  • Connect with the energy and message
  • Follow your intuition
  • Think of the vibe of the message and find the personal part for yourself
  • Use angel number rules to read animal messages

When your message has been received, express gratitude from the heart and make an offering to the animal. If an offering to the animal is not feasible, make an offering to Mother Earth in some way.

Learning to Astral Project

Learning to Astral Project

We are all simply souls that are currently having a physical experience which means there is more to life than what we can sense with our five senses. When we work to develop our sixth sense or extrasensory perception, ESP, we can access special gifts others miss. The article is to teach people how to astral project by developing your extrasensory perception. The skills shared are not limited to astral projection, but can also be applied to meditation, dream analysis, manifestation, and more. A little intuition and lots of practice can help anyone access the spiritual realm using astral projection. Pique your curiosity about astral projection by reading on.

Astral Projection Explained

Astral projection is an intentional awareness of the consciousness leaving your body as your soul enters a spiritual plane. When someone astral projects, they can see themselves in physical form as they float above their body. This is not scary because you can re-enter your body whenever you choose. It is important to try astral projection at least once because we live in a material world and it is easy to believe that it is all that exists. There is an intangible spiritual realm that lives alongside our material world and when astral projecting, that spiritual side is where we go.

There are many practical reasons people astral project, but some of the more common ones include:

  • To free the soul
  • To learn more about existence as a human
  • To sharpen intuition
  • To see time in a non-linear manner
  • To temporarily leave the physical world behind
  • To relearn the true value of life

Only try astral projection when the physical body is in a safe space, when you can relax, and be interruption free. As you improve in your astral projection, keep in mind it is about intention. The reasons you connect with the astral plane is always spiritual, so know your reason ahead of time.

Step by Step Guide

Once you have prepared your mind and body for astral projection, follow the steps below to start.

  • Affirmations – Begin with a positively phrased intention or affirmation, that is simple like “I will astral project” or “I will enter a higher state of consciousness.”
  • Relax – Lie down so that you are in a relaxed position. Focus on your body and breathing as if meditating. Relax all your muscles as you focus on all your body sensations. Close your eyes and allow the mind to enter a sleep-like state as your thoughts drift. Stay as still as possible.
  • Higher Vibrational State – Being able to stay in the half-awake and half-asleep state is the key to entering a higher vibrational state to astral project. If you do fall asleep, it is okay and you can try again, but if you can hold the trance state, do so and keep going.
  • Visualize – As you reach a higher state, imagine a silver rope attached to your physical body. The rope can come from your center torso or the crown chakra as it connects your body and soul. The cord has always been present, you are just taking notice. It is your rope, so pay attention to its weight, thickness, and size. Grab it and pull your soul out of your physical body.
  • Experiences – As you feel yourself floating free of your physical body, you may feel as if you are floating farther out into the spiritual dimension. This is astral projection. What you will see and encounter is unique to each person. Some people meet spiritual guides or past loved ones. All experiences are valid.
  • Come Back – Some people automatically come back, but if not pull yourself back using the silver rope. Your first projections may be short as it is common that excitement ends the journey. Process the experience and prepare to try again a different day. This is a practice designed to increase your knowledge of celestial wisdom and anyone can try it.

5 Problems with Being an Empath

5 Problems with Being an Empath

Everything we know in the world is comprised of electrical energy.  The way we interact with the resulting vibrations influence affects our perception of the experience.  For highly sensitive people, like empath, even the subtlest of variations in energy can be intense.

Our neuron system mirrors the electrical frequency and allows empaths to inherently sense what another may be feeling in a given moment.  When empaths observe a person’s actions, the corresponding region in their brain lights up.  Essentially the empath’s brain acts as if they were performing that experience.  Even more intense is a rare occurrence called mirror-touch synesthesia, where one’s visual and tactile sense merge to the point a people can “feel” their body being touched while watching how another body is touched.

It can be difficult to be an empath.  At times people wish to turn off their gift to make their lives seem easier or so they can “fit in.”  But at the moments you less expect it, you can truly understand what a blessing this skill truly is.  Perhaps you have a memory of helping someone through a crisis that they hadn’t previously been able to vocalize.  Through your innate sense of knowing, you could say or act in a manner that most resonated with them and alleviated their pain.  This is because emotions are a finely tuned instrument for any empath.

Empath experience the world in an incredibly intense manner, and rarely rationalize their feelings.  Instead, they are governed by their intuition.  They thrive in serving others and fostering harmony with their communities and the world around them.  They are excellent listener and are loyal friends who experience energies in a unique way.  However, all is not easy for empaths.  There can be a dark shadow side empaths must traverse, including the stress of processing other people’s emotions.

In order to fully embrace your talents being an empath, here are five problems that you must learn how to address in order to optimize your wellness:

  1. You have to balance two opposing spiritual forces: Empaths feel profound levels of positive and negative emotions constantly.  All this conflicting energy is stored within their hearts.  This causes an overabundance of stress and if not managed properly the empath may fall victim to the stresses in their live and around them.
  2. Knowing the extent of evil in the world, makes them vulnerable to toxicity and energy vampires: Sometimes being and empath is like being a walking open book.  Energy vampires can sense their receptivity and target them repeatedly because empaths are natural helpers and healers.  Likewise, getting constantly bombarded with negative energy and the extent of how living beings hurt can be very draining on an empath and they can accidently make external pain their own.
  3. Empaths over absorb energies all day long: Endless exposure to external energies are draining on an empath.  No matter how hard they try not to show this struggle to world around them, an empath’s body will always keep score.  Over the years this relentless attack of negativity can cause physical, mental, and spiritual wounds to an empath unless they learn how to manage their energy absorption better.
  4. When in love, an empath cannot fully devote themselves to their partner: People all day long are sharing their emotions, thoughts, and experiences with an empath.  This can make it seem like there is whole village in the middle of an empath’s relationship.  The empath must learn to keep a little piece of them tuck away as a method of survival and thus can accidently put-up inappropriate guards.  They must learn to work with their partner and a therapist on how to love fully and help people in need safely.
  5. Consistently dealing with inner conflict can cause empaths additional stress: Empath constantly must navigate between positive and negative vibrations.  The toxic emotions are particular overwhelming and can cause self-destructive behaviors.  Empaths can manage this inner battle by identifying internal and external emotions or thoughts.  Then they must work to release the external experiences and prioritize their own feelings.

Not everything is good in an empath’s life.  Constant exposure to heavy emotions can cause empaths to ignore their own needs to the point their health suffers.  Empaths must learn how to set and maintain limits to their assistance.  It is not their duty to solve the world’s problems.

How to Protect Your Aura


Many people don’t think about their auras but perhaps they should. After all, they do feel the effects of damage to it.

Auras are mysterious things but most have come to the understanding that it acts as an energy field around us. We produce certain auras based on our attitudes and energy, whether it’s good or bad.

Likewise, other people produce their auras and their auras can negatively impact ours.


Think of auras in terms of vibrations. Everything in the earth gives off vibrations and our bodies automatically react to these. As others produce negative vibrations, our bodies and spirit pick up on them and they can affect us.

Most people don’t realize how much their auras are affected by these negative vibrations and the imprint they are leaving on their auras.

Scientific Evidence of Auras

One of the most fascinating aspects of auras is that they can be picked up on some electronic devices. Those who study the spiritual realm, like ghost hunters, use thermal technology to try to discern a spirit’s presence. These devices have picked up on people’s auras as well.

While they don’t always show auras, these devices have at times shown different colors around a person in the room which indicate an aura around them. If you believe in the idea that auras are really didn’t types of energy, then it isn’t a stretch to associate heat with the different types of energy. That would produce the variety of colors on a thermal electronic device.

How to Protect Your Aura

The best thing you can do is protect your aura from these negative energies. This may take some learning and practice, but it is well worth the effort.

One way to protect and heal your aura is to immerse ourselves and our auras into the White Light of Spirit. This healing, protective light will keep us in a protective state throughout the day.

How to Use Visualization

Drawing in the White Light involves visualization. For some in incredibly toxic environments, you may need to do this several times a day to maintain your healing and protection.

Visualize yourself in an energy bubble of white, protective light. It is an orb of the brightest white light you have ever seen. Some amplify the effect by drawing the white light into their chest and heart chakra.

Doing this daily can wonderfully change your life. It helps you apply the Law of Grace into your life, which results in grace being given to you. You will find yourself spreading God’s love to others by showing kindness, generosity, and unconditional love. You will begin to affect others positively and that could help change their auras and attitudes to a more positive tone.

Plus, you will start attracting more positive things into your life. It could amount to a dramatic change that could mean a different direction for you. Wouldn’t you like to see where that leads?

Developing Your Intuition with Exercises

Developing Your Intuition with Exercises

People that work out and take care of their body will more than likely be happier and will feel better than other people. Just like working out, people that take charge of their intuition and develop it more will learn to be happier and will also feel better than those that don’t.

If you want to increase your intuition, you can keep a journal that can help you to know when you see your intuition and when you miss something:

Working with Your Intuition

  • Sit in a quiet and comfortable place.
  • Count and breathe in and exhale out.
  • Once you are relaxed, think of things that you want to know more about.
  • Focus on the situation for a while.
  • Ask your intuition to show you more about your future.
  • Let things go.

Working Indirectly with Your Intuition

  • Have a paper and pen.
  • Find out what you need in your life.
  • Write it three times and imagine that you are looking for the meaning each time.
  • Once you finished your questions, put your pen, and draw a symbol on your paper.
  • Figure out what the symbol means to you.

Subtle Messages

  • Pay attention to your sixth sense.
  • Imagine that your skin, hands, ears, emotions, and all can give you wisdom.
  • Walk away and be more sensitive.

Using Senses for Information

  • Write down a date on the calendar.
  • When the date comes, go in the car, and just stop driving.
  • Do not listen to the first few ideas but wait for the idea that makes you feel relaxed and calm.
  • Go there and see what happens.

Intuitive Eyes

  • Sit in a quiet place.
  • Let your face muscles come to rest.
  • Inhale and exhale in a beat.
  • Let your inner eyes imagine something that makes you happy.

Intuitive Ears

  • Pretend that you can hear songs inside of your head that you mention.
  • Listen to what you hear and name the song.


  • Before going to bed, put a pen and paper by you.
  • Ask your intuition to give you a dream that will help you in life.
  • Ask as much as you can before falling asleep.
  • When you wake up, write down what you remember.
  • Look at what you wrote down and receive it.


  • Ask yourself questions about what you would do if your intuition was strong.
  • Ask questions that you can about your internal being.


  • Find a quiet place to relax.
  • Mention something that you really love.
  • Use your imagination to go to that place.
  • Inhale and exhale.
  • Allow your heart to feel the place you are visiting.
  • Return to your head while you focus on your breathing.
  • Use your intuition to understand how you felt.

Real Situations

  • On a sunny day, go out and ask questions about what has not happened yet.
  • Look at your question and see how valuable it is to you.
  • Ask a real question and write it down.

Beginner Reiki Healing

Reiki Healing

Reiki is a healing therapy created over a hundred years ago by a Buddhist named Mikao Usui. Reiki is based on a spiritual principle that we are all guided by the same life force that controls our mental, physical, and emotional being. When our energy is flowing freely, we can find reserves of power that were previously unknown. When the energy hits blockages, we are only operating at a suboptimal level. Even non-believers who spend just an hour with a Reiki master can feel a positive shift. Many describe these sessions as a combination of light touch and energy sweeping above the body. This is both grounding and calming. However, some feel it is more like emotional realignment. While Reiki masters train for years, anyone can learn to work with energy and its flow. The steps are explained below.

Receiving Energy

To begin a Reiki practice, you must first activate energy within yourself. Do this by closing your eyes and taking a few slow, deep breaths. Imagine your crown opening as a healing white light flows from the top of the head, into the heart, and out through the hands. Ask to be filled wherever you need the most healing so if you offer Reiki to others, you are not doing so from an empty space. As the energy flow is felt, continue to breathe, and focus on that breath. Envision yourself as a healing vessel and set an intention to receive healing of the highest level and good.

Reiki for Sleep

For a sleep focused Reiki session, ask the recipient to lie down as you are positioned near their head. Imagine a stream of steady healing light that goes from your hands into the back of their head to clear their mind of discomfort and pain. Ask your client to take several deep breaths, inhaling for three slow seconds and exhaling 3-5 seconds. Ask them to visualize their entire day one occurrence at a time and as they thank each memory, let it go with an exhale. Allow the client to drift as you channel energy through your hands and send healing light into them. Imagine the body healing and relaxing for a peaceful rest. Typically, this only takes 15 to 30 minutes, but Reiki is safe to use as long as you prefer.

Reiki for Stress

When people have lots of stress and anxiety, they do not breath properly and this can add to the stress. In this type of session, channel energy down through the person’s shoulders and into their body. Place your hands on their shoulders for 10-15 minutes as you send energy down their body and breathe deeply with them. This can get them back in their body.

Sealing the Energy

Once you have completed a healing session, offer gratitude and cleanse yourself to close the energy off. This can be as simple as stepping back, wiping your hands, and placing them in a prayer position to thank the energy, yourself, and the recipient for the energy exchange. Another option is to draw a large circle by closing the arms in front of the body to signify the closing of the two different energies. This should end in prayer hands.