14 Unique Problems Empaths Experience

14 Unique Problems Empaths Experience

Empaths have been blessed to deeply experience the feelings of others, but can be a gift that is tough to manage.  Having a high sensitivity to emotions and energy fluctuations allow empaths to be nurturing, caring and kind to those in need.  They are the first person someone will turn to for either advice or a shoulder to lean on.  It seems like they truly understand a person’s problems because the due through their ability to feel another being’s perspective.

However, empaths must work hard at managing their experience.  Society frequently doesn’t value their unique skills and as such empaths can feel lost in the system as well as overwhelm easily due to stimulation overload.  We have compiled a list of 14 issues that empaths face and some helpful tips on how to deal with each one.

  1. People emotions quickly alters yours

A day might start out great, but upon interacting with a friend dealing with some heavy pain can bring your mood crashing down.  It might seem like instantly your smile has vanished and feelings of frustration or lost crop up almost immediately.  Realize this pain is not yours to carry.  Set boundaries for both your friend and yourself to ensure the proper emotions remain with the owner.  Sure, you can be compassionate to their struggles, but not at your own expense.

  1. Persistent fatigue

When you carry an excess of emotions it can quickly drain your energy.  This includes both abundance of sadness or joy.  Work to mindfully manage your emotions and practice ample self-care.  It can be helpful to practice energetic cleansing rituals when you take a bath or shower.

  1. Being seen as “overly” …

Does it seem like daily you are told that you are “too much” or “overly sensitive?”  To empaths this gets frustrating because we don’t understand why people aren’t on our levels of caring.  Realize you need to live life on your terms and discover what level of compassion for others is healthiest for you.  Sure, you want to save the world, but not if puts your wellbeing in jeopardy.

  1. Feeling caught between two worlds

Although to the outside world it might seem like you are an extrovert, empaths need a lot of restorative alone time to defrag their emotions and energy levels.  Also, at times they might seem like introvert because empaths avoid high energy places like shopping centers, noisy establishments or public transportation.  Without some “me time,” empath risk absorbing too much stimuli from other people and putting their health at risk.  By committing to maintain healthy relationship you can ensure you be a rock-solid support system for anyone or any cause that matters to you.  If you want to interact with loved one consider more low-key environments like a home, walking in nature or going to quaint and cozy café.

  1. Needing alone time regardless of what people might think

It can’t be said enough the importance of time by yourself.  It will help you recharge, filter the various emotions or energies, and tune into your inner wisdom.  People may or may not understand this need of yours.  This is okay.  Feel free to have conversations with people about why time alone is essential to your self-care and how it helps you be a better supporter of theirs.

  1. Issues with transitions

It can quite difficult for an empath to switch environments or suddenly adjust to a person entering a room.  Pay attention to if you feel off after leaving a loud gathering or quickly entering a noiseless room.  Allow yourself to release any judgments you might have about difficulty with transitions and any assorted emotions that arise, you aren’t alone in this situation.

  1. History of anxiety or depression

Empaths can have trouble managing their mental health due to their highly sensitive nature.  This includes persistent self-doubt, stress, anxiety and even physical manifestation.  This is because empaths must process not just their emotions, but the emotions and energies of other beings.  When not managed properly it can feel so exhausting and even debilitating.  It can be especially difficult to process negative feedback from anyone person because it feels so personal.  Furthermore, empaths frequently report feeling unlike anyone else in their life, which can promote a sense of isolation.  Realize there are other empaths out there, your experience matters and you must advocate for you needs and wellbeing.

  1. You sense subtle shifts

Empaths can easily sense a shift in mood, often even before that person has time to voice their issue.  This can be both a blessing and a hinderance.  You can provide immediate attention, but it can also make it hard for you to enjoy a causal time out.  Set boundaries within yourself so you can provide care, but allow experience some joy and fun.

  1. Getting manipulated

Intuition is essential for an empath.  Gut reactions can protect them from people will malevolent intentions.  However, people can take advantage of an empath’s skills whether consciously or subconsciously.  Be aware of signs that people may be unhealthy for you.

  1. Minor things can feel major to you

Caring is a cornerstone of any empath.  There is no small or big issue, everything matters.  Pay no attention to the people that don’t understand and want you to get “over it.”  Do what feels healthy and fulfilling to you.

  1. Prioritizing other’s needs ahead of your own

Empaths want to be of service to others.  Whether its helping people heal, or being there to listen or strategize with them, empaths are giving people.  However, it does you no good if you spend all your energy and leave little to none left for your benefit.  Instead, choose to include self-care as one of your prioritizations.  Remember the adage of the oxygen mask.  You have to put it on yourself before you can place it on anyone else.

  1. Trouble saying “no”

Saying “no” can make an empath feel guilty.  They fear letting a person down or causing them any distress.  In the moment, saying “yes” feeling vital to helping someone else feel good.  Be careful because by not occasionally saying “no” you risk getting overwhelmed and exhausted.

  1. Violence and tragedy are profoundly disturbing

Some, but not all empaths are confused by people’s fascination with horror, violence and tragedy.  Whether fictional or reality, negative scenes can rattle an empaths core for hours or days after exposure.

  1. Difficulty with ownership of emotions

This is the key challenge for empaths.  When you constantly assume emotions and energy, it hard to know from whom you are feeling this sensation.  This can complicate decision making and could lead to potential misunderstandings if not handled with care.


  1. The tips for managing empathy are practical, especially the advice on setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care. These are applicable to anyone, not just empaths.

  2. The concept of empaths needing alone time to recharge is well-explained. It aligns with the idea that everyone needs a balance between social interaction and personal time.

  3. The section on the difficulties empaths face with transitions and sensing subtle shifts in mood is intriguing. It highlights the complexity of their experience in a nuanced way.

  4. It’s interesting to see the various aspects of being an empath broken down so clearly. The suggestions for self-care and setting boundaries are particularly useful.

  5. The discussion around empaths feeling overwhelmed due to emotional overload is well-articulated. However, the article might benefit from some scientific references to back up these claims.

  6. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges empaths face and offers practical tips for managing these issues. It’s insightful and could be helpful for those who identify as empaths.


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