Reiki’s Healing Power


healing power 1Healing Power of Reiki is the second of a few articles on Reiki Healing. I will probably exhibit how intense this antiquated Japanese vitality medication is as a hands-on recuperating instrument for encouraging parity and wholeness in the body.

As a Reiki Master Healer and Intuitive Reader these Reiki Healing case studies are from my own experiences with my clients.

Sacred Temple                                      

Our bodies truly are a Sacred Temple. When we acknowledge this truth we begin to heal. As spiritual beings we tend to focus on spiritual growth and development and neglect the body. This creates an imbalance within us and in our lives. It’s time to get back to honoring our body.

It is essential to honor our bodies for they are the vehicles for our spirit. When we can see our bodies as the sacred temple we then naturally treat the body with more respect and care. Eating good foods, drinking plenty of water, exercise and stretching are ways to nurture and love our body.

There are many ways to heal and honor our bodies as the sacred temple of the Divine. One of the most beneficial ways is through touch. Touching a shoulder, cradling a baby and stroking a loved one’s back are simple ways in which we express love and caring.

healing power 3Wholeness

Wholeness in body, mind, emotion and spirit is our birthright. Compassionate, loving hands channel Universal life force energy with the intention of healing. Reiki Healing as well as massage, reflexology and cranial sacral work are examples of healing modalities that involve touch.

Wholeness is the intention for each healing practice. It is important to not get side-tracked by the techniques. It is not the technique that creates healing. it is the intention to heal that counts.

Each modality of healing is like walking through a particular doorway. No matter what doorway you walk through they each lead to the same destination of wholeness.

Reiki Healing

This past year a client came to me for her first Reiki Healing session. She was a working single mom who had problems with her liver. As an intuitive I could see that she held so much anger within her from the past which caused her inflamed liver.

She went on to explain how her dad was an alcoholic who left her and her mom when she was little. Over the years she tried to have a relationship with her dad.

Due to his disease of alcoholism he was unable to be there for her. She stuffed her anger at him for many years resulting in her liver being on fire. The liver holds anger.

Through the transmission of Universal life force energy during her Reiki healing session, my client began her healing process. I channeled Reiki Healing to her liver for quite some time during the session.

My client was already attending Alanon meetings where she was learning to put herself first, handing her life over to her Higher Power. Admitting her powerlessness over the disease of alcoholism was the first step. She didn’t cause it, couldn’t control it nor cure it. Alanon has helped her to detach from her alcoholic father and heal her past.

As a result of her Reiki healing session she learned to focus on self-love, honor her body and her emotions. She learned to forgive her dad and herself. Healing is a process that takes time, intention and focus.

She is rising up from the ashes of the destruction of the family disease of alcoholism and her anger about that. Through the healing power of Reiki a beautiful young woman has begun to change her life from the inside.